hey how was your thanksgiving? since i have not posted since then? hope it was great and filled with lots of family and food!
ours was good, we got the kids all dressed in some festive clothes and tried to take some pictures for our Christmas card this year. if you have kids you know how that is! i can take anyone's pictures except my own kids, 1. i'm mommy they don't listen to me much anyways so when i say look at me it's no different, lol! 2.there are 5 of them, so eye contact and smiles all at the same time ha! well after about 15 minutes or so, and like 80 shots or so, i said okay we are done mommy will just ahve to do do some eye opening or head swapping in photoshop.
i didn't get to work on our pictures or cards until this past week...too many client work! good problem to have! after working on it here it is...

i used the awesome digital kit from jessica sprauge's site and designed by my MOST favorite scrapbooker the amazing heidi swapp
here is the link to the kit and to heidi's blog
maybe later i will post some outtakes...funny stuff!